How to Wait for an External Docker Service to be Healthy Before Starting Another Container?
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How to Wait for an External Docker Service to be Healthy Before Starting Another Container?

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of starting containers that depend on an external Docker service, only to find out that the service isn’t ready yet? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to explore the magical world of Docker wait commands and learn how to wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container!

The Problem: Containers Starting Too Early

Imagine you have a web application that relies on a database container to store its data. When you start the web application container, it immediately tries to connect to the database container. However, what if the database container takes a few seconds to start up and become available? Your web application container will fail to connect to the database, resulting in a crash or an error.

This is a common problem in Dockerized applications, especially when containers depend on each other. To solve this problem, we need a way to wait for the external Docker service (in this case, the database container) to become healthy before starting the dependent container (the web application container).

The Solution: Docker Wait Commands

Docker provides a built-in solution to this problem through its wait commands. There are two main ways to wait for an external Docker service:

  1. Using the --wait flag with Docker Compose
  2. Using the docker wait command

Method 1: Using Docker Compose with the --wait flag

Docker Compose is a powerful tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With the --wait flag, you can specify a service to wait for before starting another service.

version: '3'
    image: postgres
      test: ["CMD-SQL", "postgres", "-U", "postgres", "pg_isready", "-q", "-U", "postgres", "-d", "postgres"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 5
    build: .
      - "8080:8080"
        condition: service_healthy
    command: ["python", ""]

In this example, we define two services: database and web. The database service uses a healthcheck to verify that the PostgreSQL database is ready to accept connections. The web service depends on the database service and will only start once the database service is healthy.

The condition: service_healthy specifies that the web service should wait for the database service to become healthy before starting. This ensures that the web application container won’t start until the database container is ready.

Method 2: Using the docker wait command

The docker wait command is a more explicit way to wait for a container to become healthy. You can use it to wait for a specific container or a group of containers to become healthy before starting another container.

# Start the database container
docker run -d --name database postgres

# Wait for the database container to become healthy
docker wait -t 300 database

# Start the web application container
docker run -d --name web -p 8080:8080 my-web-app

In this example, we start the database container using docker run. Then, we use docker wait to wait for the database container to become healthy, with a timeout of 300 seconds (5 minutes). Once the database container is healthy, we start the web container using docker run again.

Healthchecks: The Key to Docker Wait Commands

Healthchecks are a crucial component of Docker wait commands. A healthcheck is a command that Docker runs periodically to verify that a container is healthy and functioning correctly.

  test: ["CMD-SQL", "postgres", "-U", "postgres", "pg_isready", "-q", "-U", "postgres", "-d", "postgres"]
  interval: 10s
  timeout: 5s
  retries: 5

In this example, we define a healthcheck for the database container. The healthcheck uses the pg_isready command to verify that the PostgreSQL database is ready to accept connections. The interval specifies how often to run the healthcheck, the timeout specifies how long to wait for the healthcheck to complete, and the retries specifies how many times to retry the healthcheck if it fails.


Waiting for an external Docker service to become healthy before starting another container is a critical aspect of building robust and reliable Dockerized applications. By using Docker Compose with the --wait flag or the docker wait command, you can ensure that your containers start in the correct order and that your application is fully functional.

Remember to define healthchecks for your containers to verify that they are healthy and functioning correctly. With Docker wait commands and healthchecks, you can build complex multi-container applications with confidence.

Wait Command Description
docker-compose up --wait Starts all services in the Docker Compose file and waits for them to become healthy before exiting
docker wait Waits for one or more containers to become healthy before continuing
healthcheck A command that Docker runs periodically to verify that a container is healthy and functioning correctly

By following the instructions in this article, you should now be able to wait for an external Docker service to become healthy before starting another container. Happy Dockering!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Docker containers and learn how to wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container!

Q: What is the best way to wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container?

One reliable approach is to use the `depends_on` keyword in your `docker-compose.yml` file, along with the `condition` directive. This allows you to specify a condition that must be met before the dependent container starts. For example: `depends_on: { service: { condition: service_healthy }}`. This way, your container will wait for the external service to be healthy before starting.

Q: How can I use Docker’s built-in healthcheck feature to wait for a service to be healthy?

You can use the `HEALTHCHECK` instruction in your Dockerfile to specify a command that checks the health of your service. Then, in your `docker-compose.yml` file, use the `depends_on` keyword with the `condition` directive, like this: `depends_on: { service: { condition: service_healthy }}`. This ensures that your container waits for the healthcheck to pass before starting.

Q: Can I use a script to wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container?

Yes, you can! Write a script that checks the health of the external service using a tool like `curl` or `wget`, and then starts the dependent container only when the service is healthy. You can use a command like `docker-compose exec service ping -c 1 -W 1 healthcheck` to check the service’s health, and then start the dependent container when the ping succeeds.

Q: How do I implement a retry mechanism to handle temporary failures when waiting for an external Docker service to be healthy?

You can use a retry mechanism like `docker-compose wait` or a script that implements a retry loop with a backoff strategy. For example, you can use a script that waits for 10 seconds, then checks the service’s health, and retries up to 5 times before giving up.

Q: Are there any third-party tools that can help me wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container?

Yes, there are several third-party tools available, such as `wait-for-it`, `docker-wait`, and `wait-for-service`, that can help you wait for an external Docker service to be healthy before starting another container. These tools provide a simple way to implement a wait mechanism without having to write custom scripts or code.