The Mysterious Case of WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() Returning Default Value 02:00:00:00:00:00
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The Mysterious Case of WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() Returning Default Value 02:00:00:00:00:00

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As developers, we’ve all been there – stuck in a debugging loop, trying to figure out why our code isn’t working as expected. And sometimes, the solution lies in the most unexpected places. In this article, we’ll dive into the curious case of WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() returning the default value 02:00:00:00:00:00, and explore the reasons behind this behavior.

The Problem Statement

WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() is a method in Android’s WifiConfiguration class that’s supposed to return a randomized MAC address. But, in some cases, it returns the default value 02:00:00:00:00:00, which is not what we want. So, what’s going on?

Theories and Possibilities

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore some possible reasons behind this behavior:

  • Device Settings: It’s possible that the device settings are not allowing the WifiConfiguration class to generate a randomized MAC address.
  • SDK Version: The SDK version being used might be incompatible with the getRandomizedMacAddress() method.
  • Permissions: The app might not have the necessary permissions to access the device’s MAC address.
  • Hardware Limitations: The device’s hardware might not support generating a randomized MAC address.

The Solution

After digging through the Android documentation and scouring the internet for answers, we found the solution to this problem. It’s not a single solution, but rather a combination of checks and configurations that need to be in place.

Check Device Settings

The first step is to check the device settings to ensure that the device is allowed to generate a randomized MAC address. This can be done by:

private boolean isRandomizedMacAddressAllowed(Context context) {
    WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    return wifiManager.isWifiEnabled() && wifiManager.getRandomizedMacAddressEnabled();

This method checks if Wi-Fi is enabled and if the device is allowed to generate a randomized MAC address.

Check SDK Version

The next step is to check the SDK version being used. The getRandomizedMacAddress() method was introduced in Android 10 (SDK version 29), so we need to ensure that we’re using a compatible SDK version:

private boolean isSdkVersionCompatible() {
    return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q;

This method checks if the SDK version is Android 10 or higher.

Request Necessary Permissions

To access the device’s MAC address, we need to request the necessary permissions in our AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />

Make sure to add these permissions to your app’s manifest file.

Generate a Randomized MAC Address

Finally, we can generate a randomized MAC address using the WifiConfiguration class:

private String getRandomizedMacAddress(Context context) {
    WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
    WifiConfiguration wifiConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
    return wifiConfig/macAddress;

This method generates a randomized MAC address using the WifiConfiguration class.

Putting it all Together

Now that we have all the individual components, let’s put them together to create a comprehensive solution:

public class MacAddressGenerator {
    private Context context;

    public MacAddressGenerator(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public String generateRandomizedMacAddress() {
        if (!isRandomizedMacAddressAllowed(context)) {
            return "Device settings do not allow randomized MAC address";

        if (!isSdkVersionCompatible()) {
            return "SDK version is not compatible";

        if (!hasNecessaryPermissions(context)) {
            return "App does not have necessary permissions";

        WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        WifiConfiguration wifiConfig = new WifiConfiguration();
        return wifiConfig.macAddress;

    private boolean hasNecessaryPermissions(Context context) {
        return context.checkSelfPermission("android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE") == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
                && context.checkSelfPermission("android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE") == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;

This class generates a randomized MAC address, taking into account the device settings, SDK version, and necessary permissions.


In conclusion, the WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() method returning the default value 02:00:00:00:00:00 is not a mystery anymore. By checking the device settings, SDK version, and requesting the necessary permissions, we can generate a truly randomized MAC address. Remember to use the MacAddressGenerator class in your app to ensure that you’re getting a unique MAC address.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() returning the default value?
A: This could be due to device settings, SDK version, or permission issues.

Q: How do I check if the device settings allow randomized MAC addresses?
A: Use the isRandomizedMacAddressAllowed() method to check if the device settings allow randomized MAC addresses.

Q: What SDK version is required for the getRandomizedMacAddress() method?
A: The getRandomizedMacAddress() method was introduced in Android 10 (SDK version 29).

Q: What permissions are required to access the device’s MAC address?
A: The ACCESS_WIFI_STATE and CHANGE_WIFI_STATE permissions are required to access the device’s MAC address.

Method Purpose
isRandomizedMacAddressAllowed() Checks if device settings allow randomized MAC addresses
isSdkVersionCompatible() Checks if SDK version is compatible with getRandomizedMacAddress() method
hasNecessaryPermissions() Checks if app has necessary permissions to access device’s MAC address
generateRandomizedMacAddress() Generates a randomized MAC address using WifiConfiguration class

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the mystery of WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() returning the default value. Remember to implement the MacAddressGenerator class in your app to ensure that you’re getting a unique MAC address.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with WifiConfiguration’s getRandomizedMacAddress() method? We’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Why does WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() return the default value 02:00:00:00:00:00?

The getRandomizedMacAddress() method returns the default value 02:00:00:00:00:00 when the device’s MAC address is not available or cannot be randomized. This could be due to various reasons such as the device not having a valid MAC address, or the address being hardcoded or spoofed.

What are the possible reasons for WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() to return the default value?

Some possible reasons for WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() to return the default value include an invalid or hardcoded MAC address, device manufacturer restrictions, or Android version limitations. Additionally, some devices may not support MAC address randomization, leading to the default value being returned.

How can I check if my device supports MAC address randomization?

You can check if your device supports MAC address randomization by using the WifiManager class and calling the getMacAddress() method. If the method returns a valid MAC address, it likely supports randomization. You can also check the device’s documentation or manufacturer’s website for more information.

Can I force WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() to return a randomized MAC address?

No, you cannot force WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() to return a randomized MAC address if the device or Android version does not support it. However, you can try using alternative methods or third-party libraries to generate a random MAC address, but be aware that this may not be compatible with all devices or Android versions.

What are the implications of WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() returning the default value?

If WifiConfiguration getRandomizedMacAddress() returns the default value, it may lead to issues with Wi-Fi connectivity, device tracking, or app functionality that relies on a unique MAC address. You may need to implement alternative solutions or workarounds to handle this scenario, depending on your app’s requirements and use case.