Unraveling the Mystery: Issue Implementing Impersonation in ASP.NET Core Web App via Azure B2C Custom Policy
Image by Maxime - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Issue Implementing Impersonation in ASP.NET Core Web App via Azure B2C Custom Policy

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Are you struggling to implement impersonation in your ASP.NET Core web app using Azure B2C custom policy? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and that’s exactly why we’re here to demystify the process and provide you with a step-by-step guide to overcome this hurdle.

Understanding the Concept of Impersonation in Azure B2C

Impersonation, in the context of Azure B2C, refers to the ability of an application to act on behalf of a user without the user’s explicit consent. This is typically used in scenarios where an administrator or a service needs to perform actions on behalf of a user, such as managing user accounts or performing bulk operations. However, implementing impersonation in an ASP.NET Core web app using Azure B2C custom policy can be a bit tricky, and that’s what we’ll tackle in this article.

The Challenges of Implementing Impersonation

When implementing impersonation, you’ll likely encounter the following challenges:

  • Lack of clear documentation: Azure B2C’s documentation on impersonation is limited, making it difficult to understand the correct approach.
  • Custom policy complexity: Azure B2C custom policies can be complex and confusing, especially for developers new to Azure B2C.
  • Token handling and validation: Handling and validating tokens correctly is crucial for impersonation, but it can be a daunting task.
  • ASP.NET Core web app configuration: Configuring the ASP.NET Core web app to work with Azure B2C custom policy and impersonation can be error-prone.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Impersonation in ASP.NET Core Web App via Azure B2C Custom Policy

Now that we’ve covered the challenges, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to implementing impersonation:

Step 1: Create an Azure B2C Custom Policy

Create a new Azure B2C custom policy by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and navigate to your Azure B2C tenant.
  2. Click on “Policies” and then “Identity Experience Framework”.”
  3. Click on “New policy” and select “Custom policy.”
  4. Choose “Empty policy” and give your policy a name (e.g., “impersonation_policy”).
  5. Click “Create” to create the policy.

Step 2: Configure the Custom Policy

Edit the custom policy to include the necessary claims and transformations:

<TrustFrameworkPolicy xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
        <TechnicalProfile Id="impersonation_profile">
          <DisplayName>Impersonation Profile</DisplayName>
          <Protocol Name="OpenIdConnect">
            <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="objectId" 
            <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId=" givenName" 
            <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="surName" 
    <UserJourney Id="impersonation_journey">
        <OrchestrationStep Order="1" 
            <ClaimsExchange Id="impersonation_exchange" 
    <DefaultUserJourney ReferenceId="impersonation_journey"/>

Step 3: Configure the ASP.NET Core Web App

Configure the ASP.NET Core web app to use the custom policy and impersonation:

In the `Startup.cs` file, add the following code:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddAuthentication(options =>
        options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "B2COPENID";
    .AddAzureADB2C(options => 
        options.Instance = "https://yourtenant.b2clogin.com";
        options.ClientId = "your_client_id";
        options.CallbackPath = "/signin-oidc";
        options.SignOutPath = "/signout-oidc";
        options.TenantId = "your_tenant_id";
        options Policy = "impersonation_policy";

In the `HomeController.cs` file, add the following code:

public IActionResult ImpersonateUser(string userId)
    var tokenAcquisitionOptions = new TokenAcquisitionOptions
        Authority = $"https://yourtenant.b2clogin.com/{your_tenant_id}/v2.0/",
        Resource = "https://graph.microsoft.com/",
        Scopes = new[] { "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" }

    var tokenAcquisitionResult = await tokenAcquisitionService.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(
        new AccountInfo(userId)

    if (tokenAcquisitionResult.Success)
        var accessToken = tokenAcquisitionResult.AccessToken;
        // Use the access token to impersonate the user
        // Handle error

Step 4: Implement Token Handling and Validation

Implement token handling and validation to ensure the impersonation token is valid:

public class TokenAcquisitionService
    private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;

    public TokenAcquisitionService(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
        _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;

    public async Task<TokenAcquisitionResult> GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(TokenAcquisitionOptions options, AccountInfo accountInfo)
        var tokenAcquisitionResult = new TokenAcquisitionResult();
        var tokenInstance = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetTokenInstance();

        if (tokenInstance != null)
            var tokenResponse = await tokenInstance.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(

            if (tokenResponse != null)
                tokenAcquisitionResult.Success = true;
                tokenAcquisitionResult.AccessToken = tokenResponse.AccessToken;
                tokenAcquisitionResult.Success = false;
                tokenAcquisitionResult.ErrorMessage = "Failed to acquire token";
            tokenAcquisitionResult.Success = false;
            tokenAcquisitionResult.ErrorMessage = "Token instance is null";

        return tokenAcquisitionResult;

public class TokenInstance
    private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
    private readonly ITokenAcquisition _tokenAcquisition;

    public TokenInstance(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, ITokenAcquisition tokenAcquisition)
        _httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
        _tokenAcquisition = tokenAcquisition;

    public async Task<AuthenticationResult> AcquireTokenSilentAsync(
        IEnumerable<string> scopes, 
        AccountInfo accountInfo, 
        bool forceRefresh)
        var tokenCache = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetTokenCache();
        var authenticationResult = await _tokenAcquisition.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(

        return authenticationResult;

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues you may encounter and troubleshooting steps to overcome them:

Issue Troubleshooting StepsFrequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about implementing impersonation in ASP.NET Core Web App via Azure B2C custom policy.

Why do I need to implement impersonation in my ASP.NET Core Web App?

Impersonation is necessary when you need to perform actions on behalf of another user, such as an admin impersonating a regular user to troubleshoot issues or test features. By implementing impersonation, you can ensure that actions are performed with the correct user context, maintaining security and auditability.

What is the role of Azure B2C custom policy in implementing impersonation?

Azure B2C custom policy plays a crucial role in implementing impersonation by allowing you to define a custom authorization flow that can switch the user context to the impersonated user. This enables your ASP.NET Core Web App to authenticate and authorize the impersonated user, ensuring that actions are performed with the correct user context.

How do I configure Azure B2C custom policy for impersonation?

To configure Azure B2C custom policy for impersonation, you need to define a custom technical profile that includes the `` element. This element specifies the impersonation flow and the claims required for impersonation. You then need to add this technical profile to your Azure B2C custom policy and configure your ASP.NET Core Web App to use this policy.

What are some common issues I might encounter while implementing impersonation via Azure B2C custom policy?

Common issues you might encounter include incorrect configuration of the custom policy, missing or incorrect claims, and authentication token validation errors. Additionally, you might also face issues with token refresh, caching, and session management. It’s essential to thoroughly test your implementation to identify and resolve these issues.

How do I troubleshoot impersonation issues in my ASP.NET Core Web App?

To troubleshoot impersonation issues, you can use Azure B2C debugging tools, such as the Azure B2C debugger and the Azure AD B2C Token Debugger. These tools help you identify and resolve issues with token validation, claims, and authentication flows. You can also enable debugging in your ASP.NET Core Web App to log and diagnose impersonation-related errors.

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